Receive Mouse Drags on Layer (vuo.layer.drag)

Fires events when the mouse tries to drag a layer.

This node outputs the position that a layer would be dragged to, but does not actually move the layer. To move the layer, connect this node’s Dragged Center To output port to the Center input port of the node that creates the layer (such as Make Layer).

This node checks the mouse pointer against the layer’s position within the rendered layers (composite image). For example, if a layer is scaled and rotated before being rendered, then this node would check if the mouse pointer falls within the layer’s scaled and rotated bounds. (However, the output of this node would be the center of the un-scaled and un-rotated layer.)

This node tracks drags within the window that renders the layers. For this node to work, the Rendered Layers input port must receive its data from a node that renders to a window (such as Render Layers to Window), not a node that renders to some other destination (such as Render Layers to Image).

Keywords: bang, cursor, events, fire, i/o, input, interface, pointer, provider, touchpad, trackball, trackpad, trigger

Example compositions:

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