Rounds a number or point to the nearest position on an imaginary grid.
— The number or point to round.Spacing
— The spacing between numbers or points on the grid.Center
— A corner point in the grid.This node is useful for rounding or quantizing values so that they appear to snap to a grid of evenly spaced values. For example:
is 0.1 and Center
is 0, then the snapped value will be a multiple of 0.1, such as 0, 0.1, -0.1, 0.2, or 1.3.Spacing
is (10,10) and Center
is (5,5), then the snapped value will be a point such as (5,5), (15,5), (-5,15), or (105,105).Keywords: approximate, close, discrete, grid, integer, nearby, preset, quantize