Fires events when the user drags files from other apps into the composition’s window.
Connect the Updated Window
output of a Render Scene/Layers/Image to Window node to this node’s input port.
When the user drags a file from another app, the Drag Entered
port fires an event when the dragged file begins hovering over the window.
As the user moves the mouse, the Drag Moved To
port fires a series of events with the current position.
If the user releases the file over the window, the Drag Completed
port fires an event.
If the user continues dragging the file outside the window, without releasing it over the window, the Drag Exited
port fires an event.
Use the Get Drag Values node to get the position and URLs being dragged.
Keywords: Finder, and drop, bang, copy, cursor, events, fire, folder, i/o, input, interface, mouse, move, pointer, provider, reference, touchpad, trackball, trackpad, trigger, window