Distorts the image by displaying it using a grid of rectangles, triangles, or hexagons.
Pixel Shape
— How enlarged pixels should be drawn and tiled.Pixel Width
— The width of each enlarged pixel, in Vuo Coordinates. At 0, the image is unchanged. At 2, each shape is as wide as the image.Center
— The position from which the shapes appear to grow as Pixel Width
increases. At (0,0), the shapes appear to grow from the center; at (-1,0), the shapes appear to grow from the left edge.Thanks to Ruslan Shestopalyuk, Agnius Vasiliauskas, and Strawbry_jam for implementing parts of the GLSL code used in this node.
Keywords: PETSCII, Settlers of Catan, box, censor, cube, equilateral, filter, grid, hexagon, hexel, honeycomb, linear, lofi, mosaic, overenlarge, pixelate, pixels, rectangle, simplify, square, tangram, tile, triangle, trixel