Build List (

Fires multiple events, and collects the results into a list.

This node is useful for creating a list of items in which each item is built using the same (or similar) sequence of steps. For example, you could use this node to create a list of images, with each image built using the same sequence of nodes, but each image having a different color. This is simpler and more flexible than copying and pasting the same sequence of nodes multiple times into your composition — you can easily change the number of iterations and the sequence of steps performed for each iteration.

If the Start Building port’s value is not greater than 0 when it receives an event, no events are fired from Index. Instead, Finished Building immediately fires an event with an empty list.

If the Start Building port receives an event while the node is still building the list for the previous Start Building event, then the later Start Building event is ignored (dropped). To avoid having events ignored, you can modify your composition to limit the rate at which events hit this node.

Keywords: bang, cycle, each, events, fire, foreach, iterate, loop, many, multiple, repeat, trigger, while

Example compositions:

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