Make Tree from JSON (vuo.tree.make.json)

Turns JSON-formatted text into a tree.

If there’s an error in the JSON, this node outputs an empty tree. Check for details about the error.

Name-value pairs in JSON objects roughly correspond to trees.

A name-value pair whose value is a string, number, boolean, or null is turned into a tree whose name is the name from the pair and whose content is the value, like this:

{ "title" : "China Mountain Zhang" }

A name-value pair whose value is an object is turned into a tree with children, like this:

{ "book" :
   { "title" : "China Mountain Zhang",
     "author" : "Maureen F. McHugh"

A name-value pair whose value is an array is turned into a tree with children whose names are the name from the pair, like this:

{ "book" :
   { "award" :
      [ "James Tiptree, Jr. Memorial Award",
        "Lambda Literary Award",
        "Locus Award for Best First Novel"

If the outermost JSON is something other than an object containing a single name-value pair, a parent tree is added when transforming the JSON to a tree, like this:

[ 1992, 1994, 1998, 2001 ]

Keywords: convert, descendant, dom, element, hierarchical, hierarchy, html, json, leaf, object, parent, parse, read, string, structure, tag, xml

Example compositions:

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