Receive Kinect v2 Images (vuo.kinect.v2.receive)

Fires an event each time the Xbox One Kinect provides a new image.

This node can be used to display body movements captured by a Kinect in your composition.

This node supports Kinect v2 (Kinect for Xbox One, Kinect v2 for Windows). (See Receive Kinect v1 Images for Xbox 360 Kinect.)

When working with the depth and infrared images, you can change the image’s gamma curve using Adjust Image Colors — gamma values less than 1 will make distant objects brighter. You can add false color using Map Image Brightness to Gradient.

Keywords: K4W2, Kinect for Windows v2, Kinect for Xbox One, bang, body, camera, controller, depth, events, fire, i/o, infrared, input, interface, motion, provider, sensor, trigger, video

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